Day 7-

So it's 10am on a Sunday morning and we were up with the larks at the airport to spot an Air Malaysia ( it's a rare one apparently!)

His usual remote spot had a lot of cars parked up so instantly he refused to even see how busy it was.

So we trekked up a blumin' hill to an even remoter spot on the other side of the runway. (Luckily for me 'cos I didn't have time to shower this am)
There is a fantastic visitor centre here at Manchester Airport and all weekend they are holding a weekend of family events ( can u see the bouncy castle way off in the distance?)
🎡 we can hear the loudspeaker way off in the distance now
But despite how much he would love the exhibitions/ talks and planes on display.... here we are on the remotest part of the runway miles away from any human, which is just how he likes it!
Yesterday my husband was torturing himself saying it's such a shame our son wouldn't go to the visitor centre and it would be lovely if we could have all gone as a family.
And he's right, I often have those twinges of 'if only!' It's only natural I think to have those emotions, of confusion and jealousy of what other families get up to...and I won't feel guilty about it or pretend that I never have these feelings .
Because It's an emotional roller coaster being an autism parent and we take the rough with the smooth everyday.
🎢We love our kids unconditionally for sure, but if I could make him less anxious I would in a heartbeat!
So we have had to accept that for my son this is his fun! This is where he loves to be and the crowds at the event would simply cause him too much distress and anxiety, so it would have been no fun for any of us....especially him.
It's one of the hardest things to learn to deal with as a parent I find?!
Anyway folks, I hope that whatever you're doing today brings you as much enjoyment as standing here watching his beloved planes brings my son
And I promise as soon as I get home I'll jump in the shower
Mrs M
There is a fantastic visitor centre here at Manchester Airport and all weekend they are holding a weekend of family events ( can u see the bouncy castle way off in the distance?)

But despite how much he would love the exhibitions/ talks and planes on display.... here we are on the remotest part of the runway miles away from any human, which is just how he likes it!

Yesterday my husband was torturing himself saying it's such a shame our son wouldn't go to the visitor centre and it would be lovely if we could have all gone as a family.

And he's right, I often have those twinges of 'if only!' It's only natural I think to have those emotions, of confusion and jealousy of what other families get up to...and I won't feel guilty about it or pretend that I never have these feelings .

Because It's an emotional roller coaster being an autism parent and we take the rough with the smooth everyday.

So we have had to accept that for my son this is his fun! This is where he loves to be and the crowds at the event would simply cause him too much distress and anxiety, so it would have been no fun for any of us....especially him.

It's one of the hardest things to learn to deal with as a parent I find?!
Anyway folks, I hope that whatever you're doing today brings you as much enjoyment as standing here watching his beloved planes brings my son
And I promise as soon as I get home I'll jump in the shower

Mrs M

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